Server Setup On-Prem Documentation

Deployment Documentation for IPASS VM on Standard Virtualization Platforms

Please note that IPass On-Prem operates as a connected container and requires an active internet connection at all times for proper functionality.


Step 1. Prerequisites

  • A virtualization platform installed on the client system (VMware Workstation, VirtualBox, Hyper-V, or other standard solutions)
  • .ovf or .ova file of the VM provided
  • Minimum system requirements:
    • 16 CPU cores
    • 32 GB RAM
    • 500 GB Storage

Step 2. Importing Virtual Machine

2.1.           Open your virtualization software (VMware Workstation, VirtualBox, Hyper-V, etc.).

2.2.           Locate and select the option to import a virtual machine.




2.3 Choose the provided. ovf or .ova file.

2.4 .Follow the import wizard and set the VM name and storage location.

2.5. Click Finish to complete the import process.

2.6.           Start the VM by clicking Power On.

Step 3. Configuring Network Settings

3.1: Ensure the VM is connected to Bridged Network (or equivalent) for external access.

3.2: Log In VM Using Credential Given

3.3: Click on Power Button and Wired Connection






3.4: Click on Ipv4 tab and enter own IP , Subnet Mask , Gateway and DNS address here

3.5: Click on Details and check and note IP address





Step 4. Accessing the Application

4.1: Open a web browser on the host machine.

4.2: Enter the VM’s IP address in the browser using HTTPS:


(Replace <VM-IP> with the actual IP of the VM.)

4.3: Since a self-signed SSL certificate is installed, the browser may show a security warning.

4.4: Proceed by clicking Advanced and then Continue to Site.

4.5: The application should now be accessible.

Step 5. Troubleshooting

  • If the application is not loading:
    • Verify the VM’s network settings.
    • Ensure the VM is powered on and running.
  • If you cannot access the VM’s IP:
    • Check the network configuration in your virtualization software.
    • Restart the VM and check the IP again.


Deployment Document for IPASS VM on Hyper-V with External Network Access

Please note that IPass On-Prem operates as a connected container and requires an active internet connection at all times for proper functionality.


Step 1. Prerequisites

System Requirements

  • A Windows system with Hyper-V enabled.

  • .vhdx file of the VM provided.

  • Minimum hardware specifications:

    • 16 CPU cores

    • 32 GB RAM

    • 500 GB Storage

Enable Hyper-V (if not enabled)

  1. Open Control Panel > Programs > Turn Windows features on or off.

  1. Check Hyper-V and all its subcomponents.

  2. Click OK and restart the computer if prompted.


Step 2: Creating a New Virtual Machine with the VHDX File

  1. Open Hyper-V Manager.

  2. Click New > Virtual Machine in the Actions panel.

  3. Click Next and provide a name for the VM.

  4. Select Generation 1

  5. Assign at least 32 GB RAM to the VM.

  6. Choose Use an existing virtual hard disk and browse to the provided .vhdx file.

  7. Click Finish to complete the VM setup.

  8. Start the VM by selecting it and clicking Start in the Actions panel.


Step 3: Configuring Network Settings

Step 3.1: Creating an External Virtual Switch

  1. Open Hyper-V Manager.

  2. Click Virtual Switch Manager from the Actions panel.

  1. Select New Virtual Network Switch.

  2. Choose External and click Create Virtual Switch.

  3. Provide a name (e.g., "External Switch").

  4. Select the appropriate physical network adapter under External Network.

  5. Click Apply and then OK.

Step 3.2: Assigning the VM to the External Network

  1. In Hyper-V Manager, right-click on the VM and select Settings.

  2. Under Network Adapter, select External Switch (the one created in Step 3.1).

  3. Click Apply and then OK.

Step 3.3: Configuring the IP Address

  1. Start the VM and log in using the provided credentials.

  2. Click on the Power Button and select Wired Connection.

  3. Go to Settings > Network > IPv4 Settings.

  4. Manually enter the:

    • IP Address

    • Subnet Mask

    • Gateway

    • DNS Address

  5. Save the settings and restart the VM.

  6. Click on Details to verify and note the assigned IP address.


Step 4: Accessing the Application

  1. Open a web browser on the host machine.

  2. Enter the VM’s IP address in the browser using HTTPS:


(Replace <VM-IP> with the actual IP of the VM.)

  1. If prompted with a security warning due to a self-signed SSL certificate, click Advanced and then Proceed to Site.

  2. The application should now be accessible.


Step 5: Troubleshooting

If the application is not loading:

  • Verify that the VM is powered on and running.

  • Ensure the VM’s network adapter is connected to the External Switch.

  • Confirm the VM’s firewall settings allow HTTP/HTTPS traffic.

If you cannot access the VM’s IP:

  • Check the network configuration in Hyper-V Manager.

  • Restart the VM and verify the assigned IP.

  • Run ipconfig inside the VM to confirm the correct IP address.


This completes the deployment of the IPASS VM on Hyper-V with external network access using a .vhdx file.